Thursday, November 6, 2008


Just to be clear, Barack Obama being elected to the presidency did NOT change the country. As so many of the intelligent people, myself included, have been pointing out his win is the opening of a door. A door of opportunity for the COUNTRY to change.

He's not the country people, WE are and he is a part of us. We have elected him to be the face and representative of us to the world but ultimately WE have to maintain the momentum that got him elected in the first place, which he so eloquently said himself in his victory speech. WE put him there. WE need to keep backing him up, period. For the first time in my life I've seen the people excited about the political process and actually act. We really need to keep that going or nothing will change and who really wants that. I know if you voted for Barack you don't want things to continue as they have for the last few centuries, so let's stay active in the process. That all.

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