Monday, September 1, 2008

I am the fuckin' man!!

I'm feeling rather good with myself. My co-worker just bought a rather nice digital camera. He's kind of an older dude, not much but enough, that he's not completely familiar with modern technical thingys. So, naturally he asked for my help with the thing. While he's trying to find the english instructions and look through them I had completely set up the camera already. Time zone, time, date. Ready to point and shoot. Now, that's not why I'm so pleased with myself. What I'm pleased about is the most untechnical thing that was initially giving me a problem. The fucking neck strap. I could not get the damn thing in properly. The little loops on the camera are set in a way that it was difficult feeding them through the right way. I could have done it backwards and it would've been perfectly fine. However, I am a bit of a perfectionist and rather stubborn, so, I wanted to do it the proper way. Since I don't really carry a blade on me (not even my gerber multi-tool because we now live in a damn near communist society [more on that in another post]) I couldn't use the point to try and get the damn strap through. SO, brain working, I figured I needed something thin but strong, like a piece of fabric, to feed through first then feed the strap and drag it through. Well, I spotted a rubberband, and viola!!!, I got the damn neck strap set properly. AND that is why I am the fuckin' man!!

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